Office Party

Christmas comes just once a year

Bit like my sex life thought Sarah

‘Bit like my sex life’ said George.

‘That’s what office parties are for’ said Helen.

‘But he doesn’t think of me that way,’ Sarah said to Helen whilst pretending she wasn’t staring at George who was alone amongst the crowd of men in not wearing a paper cracker hat.

‘But she wouldn’t, not with me, surely not - with me,’ said George to Helen whilst watching Sarah, his mind skipping the drunken coincidences to see what he had not seen all night: he wasn’t alone. Sarah was also not wearing her paper cracker hat.

‘That’s,’ said Helen nudging George towards Sarah, ‘are what office parties are for.’.

Pitch: Stone The Romantic

Pitch: Stone The Romantic

Time for the shoes to go back on the shelf

Time for the shoes to go back on the shelf